Got a question? A suggestion? Just want to say hello?
I’d love to hear from you…
I love sharing both the big stuff and the little stuff that makes up an ecoceptional life. From recipes, tips and techniques through to strategies and (of course) the occasional struggle, these online havens are the ideal place to share the journey, get inspired, and see what’s truly possible when you choose to live greener or grow an eco-conscious business.
If you’re itching for some quality ‘green-spiration’ to help you live your own version of an ecoceptional life, you should definitely come join the community and follow the fun. (And please say hello – I’d love to connect!)
After a quote for your interview? Need an environmental expert? Seeking an experienced presenter or speaker on all things eco?
You’re in the right place!
As a frequent contributor to various publications, and with a regular segment on ABC Radio, I’ve had lots of experience at explaining complex subjects in ways that are not only informative and easy to understand, but downright entertaining too!
Find out more about my media work and speaking engagements, or drop me a line using the contact form at the top of this page.
Want to help a sister out?
Spreading the word about living an ecoceptional life and making our planet a better, brighter place is what truly lights me up. In fact, it’s what gets me out of bed in the mornings (well, that and two hungry growing boys!) and it’s what wakes me up at 3 a.m. with random bolts of inspiration or half-formed blog ideas! 😉
If you’d like to support this work and help spread the message, I’d love for you to share this site or your favourite posts with those who you think would benefit from regular doses of real-life inspiration about living a more sustainable life.
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Thanks so much for being here!
Here’s to making green mainstream and creating a future that’s a happier, healthier place for generations to come