Monica Meldrum, the founder of Whole Kids is on a mission to nurture healthy kids and a healthy world.

Following an extensive corporate career in the construction industry, Monica travelled to Indonesia with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) in 2000 to deliver an aid program to children living in poverty. The experience challenged her assumptions about the meaning of success and how she could make a greater contribution with her life. At the time, Monica vowed to make a difference to children’s health.

On returning to Australia and witnessing food related illnesses amongst children and an abundance of over processed, heavily marketed children’s foods, Monica launched Whole Kids.

Whole Kids has since grown to become Australia’s largest range of certified organic, additive free and allergen-friendly snacks for kids, the proceeds of which are funding kids health and environment projects nationally, through Whole Kids Small Seeds Community Grants Program.

Whole Kids was the first Food Company in Australia to be certified a B Corporation and in doing so is committed to creating a healthy life and a healthy world for kids.

In recognition of her sound business strategy and great vision for the future of Whole Kids, Monica was awarded 2015 St George Banking Group Ausmumpreneur of the Year. Monica was also awarded Emerging Entrepreneur 2013 by NAB Women’s Agenda Leadership awards for her innovation, leadership and a strong commitment to creating change for the future.

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In this exclusive Eco Chat episode Monica and I discuss:

  • What kick-started her eco journey
  • How she juggles motherhood and business
  • Things she does day to day to reduce her eco footprint and areas where she’d like to improve
  • What triggers her ‘green guilt’


Discover Wholekids here.

