It looks like silly season has come early this year – at least that’s what I thought when I saw the new advertising campaign Michelle Bridges rolled out with supermarket giant Woolworths last week.

WTF went wrong there?

I discuss my thoughts (and share a little song I wrote) about this in my latest Eco Chat podcast….

Podcast: Play in New Window

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Now, let me just clarify by saying I’m a fan of Mish.

In 2013 I completed her 12 Week Body Transformation (12wbt) and lost my baby weight (all 18 kg of it) over six months. I liked the fact that her 12wbt promoted the use of fresh, wholefood ingredients and actively teaches participants to cook from scratch using wholefoods.

Which is why, like so many Australians, I was so disappointed yesterday with the release of her advertising campaign with Woolworths, promoting her new frozen, microwavable meals. And yes, the fact she labelled those who grow their own vegetables as ‘freaks’ pissed me off a little too.

So I decided to write an ode to Michelle….and I decided to sing it. …because I do grow some of my own veggies…..I even keep chickens….but I’m not a freak, or a weirdo, and I do belong here…. (inspired by Radiohead).

Take a listen here. If you don’t have 13 minutes to listen to the full podcast, you can catch a glimpse of my singing debut on Youtube here.

I’d love to know what you think!! Do you feel the same way I do about the ad? Oh, and if for some reason you missed it before Woollies and Michelle withdrew the capaign, you can watch it here.

Here’s a pic of me (middle back row) and a bunch of my friends celebrating with Mish at the end of the 12wbt.

Let’s hope this week’s ad was just an error of judgement and she gets back to doing what she’s good at……inspiring us to be more active.

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