Celebrating 150 Episodes Of Eco Chat

Celebrating 150 Episodes Of Eco Chat

Eco Chat has reached 150 episodes and I think this calls for a celebration of sorts! When I launched my Eco Chat podcast almost five years ago, in October 2015 I’ll be honest and say I didn’t really have a big plan for it. My intention was to get started and see how...
4 Alternatives To Single Use Bin Liners

4 Alternatives To Single Use Bin Liners

Many households who are making an effort to reduce the volume of single-use plastics they consume have trouble replacing one item…..finding a suitable sustainable alternative for their rubbish bin liner. In fact, it was only a few short years ago when the Eastern...
How to Enjoy a Sustainable Cup of Tea

How to Enjoy a Sustainable Cup of Tea

I’m a tea drinker and enjoy a wide variety of herbal teas throughout the day. In fact, I often joke that there’s a tea to match my every mood! If you love tea as much as I do, and want to ensure your tea habit is as green as possible (even when you like a...
Four Alternatives to Single-Use Plastic Straws

Four Alternatives to Single-Use Plastic Straws

Did you know that plastic straws are one of the most common items found on beaches worldwide? According to Clean Up Australia, plastic straws are the 12th most common item reported by Clean Up volunteers. Which is not surprising given that Australians use about 10...